Recently started watching …..

Well just thought I should share something.
I recently started watching two shows, The man in the high castle – fantastic , they ticked all the boxes, haven’t compromised on anything really , After a long time something which is a complete package, last ones for me was Fringe & Penny Dreadful ) if you can let it grow for first few episodes.

Just today grabbed the Dracula .and found it to be interesting really, as it is i love everything medieval πŸ™‚

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Carl Comet

Well, since I am not a big fan of TV shows and series, I usually miss out on almost all of them. I tried The Witcher because of all that Game of Thrones and Witcher-game hype. But I was so disappointed that it needs a lot of convincing to get me trying a new show … The Mandalorian, yes, THAT is a good one. I loved every minute of it. As for other series I remain a sceptic. Maybe I should give the Man in the High Castle (seems an interesting thematic setting) and Dracula (in the hope that it offers something new to the story) a try…
Big thanks to the Scorp!

Carl Comet

Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions … I trust you in this, mate πŸ˜‰


fringe is the best of three for me. as for dracula, it’s on my watch list πŸ™‚